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Time Distribution for Effective Online Marketing

Rand Fishkin's, CEO & Co-Founder of SEOmoz, personal recommendation for the ideal use of time for a website owner or a website team

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New-look Google Reader Is Stunning!

oogle's web-based RSS Aggregator, has had a re-design and it is extremely impressive

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The Importance of User Experience- the Poster!

Frank Spillers' poster that reflects some thoughts about user experience

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IE 7 is better but still lagging

Roger Johansson of 456 Berea Street on IE7

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Transcorners: Because you are obsessed with rounded corners

Ajaxian on Transcorners, which is a mootools based rounded corners system

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CSS gallery layout - smells like a table

Dragan Babic on tables and their flexibility to adapt to various widths to floated list item gallery layouts

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Programmers need to stop writing code

Coming soon! Great relief to those who do not like sitting in front of computers too long!

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Transparent custom corners and borders, version 2

Very cool CSS technique for creating custom corners and borders with optional alpha transparency.

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